老枞水仙(Old fir Narcissus)作为武夷岩茶的当家品种四大名枞之一,和大红袍、肉桂是闽北乌龙茶的代表,是武夷岩茶的传统优质品种.
老枞水仙茶叶叶质绵软,成份丰富,老枞水仙茶汤味极浓醇且厚重,汤水顺滑又兼具有陈年茶之味。老枞水仙为水仙茶中极品。水仙茶树品种属无性系、大叶、晚生种型,叶片比普通小叶种大一倍以上,叶质肥厚。老枞水仙其条索肥壮,色泽绿褐油润而带宝色。老枞水仙香浓辛锐、清长,有独特的"兰花香"。老枞水仙茶汤味浓醇厚,喉韵明显,回甘清爽,汤色浓艳呈橙黄色,叶底软亮,耐冲泡。 老枞水仙属小乔木型大叶类,所谓老枞,是指茶树树龄长,至少有二十年以上,有的甚至百年以上.外观条索较粗壮,呈油亮蛙皮青色.条索紧结沉重,叶端扭曲,色泽滑润暗沙绿.香气浓郁,有一股很幽很柔的兰花香,有的则带乳香和水仙花香.滋味醇厚回甘,汤色清澈橙黄,叶底厚软黄亮,叶绿朱砂红边或红点,既"三红七青".
Being one of the main varities of Wuyi Mountain rock teas, narcissus tea(Old fir Narcissus) belongs to asexual propagation, large-leaved, and late-matured tea series. Its leaf, which is fat and thick, is one time larger than that of others. Narcissus tea has the following characteristics: fat and strong leaves with black green and a little gemstone color, sharp and lasting orchid-like fragrance, pure, mellow, sweet and brisk taste, heavy deep orange yellow tea soap, brilliant and soft leaves with green inside and red around. The tea can be made many times for the same pot.narcissus old fir tree is a small big-leaf type, the so-called old fir, old tea plant is long, at least over 20 years, and some even more than a hundred years. appearance of a stout cable, with oily skin green frogs. article cable bear a heavy guitar, distorted-leaf, green color lubricants reef. aroma of rich, you have a very very soft-orchids, while others are brought frankincense incense and narcissus. flavors to mellow gan, tangse clear orange, thick soft yedi huang liang, leaf green or red cinnabar red edge, not only the "three-seven green."
老枞水仙(Old fir Narcissus)一般是指五六十年以上树龄的水仙茶树,在武夷岩茶岩骨花香的基础上突出兰花香和枞味,抓老枞的枞味,主要有三味:木质味、青苔味、糙米味。老枞水仙属武夷岩茶制作的工艺与岩茶制作工艺大致相同,老枞水仙属于中轻焙火味醇清香。