武夷山市夷宝斋茶业科技有限公司是集茶叶连锁经营,茶叶种植、生产、科研、茶文化传播,以及名人字画、紫砂壶收藏为一体的农业产业化企业。公司创立之初便确定了以农为本、科技为先、产业带动、共同发展的经营理念,以“传承历史,振兴岩茶”为己任。公司形成一支由栽培经验丰富的茶叶老专家,审评技术精湛的高级茶师,专业知识渊博的茶学教授,加工技能熟练的业务骨干,销售经验丰富的市场精英组成的结构合理、精明强干、开拓创新、拼搏奋进的企业团队。 从茶园到茶杯,全程质量跟踪,高标准严管理,人人关注质量是公司一贯坚持的生产和管理要求。生产产品通过全国工业产品许可SC认证,陆续获得首届北京中华茗茶评比优质奖、上海国际茶文化茗茶评比银奖、广州国际茶叶博览会全国名优茶竞赛金奖,是第十四届国际自由基学术会议、第七届全国自由基生物学与自由基医学学术会议、第三届海峡两岸三地自由基生物学与自由基医学研讨会,三大会议 指定礼品茶,是第八届中国徐霞客开游节指定礼品茶,也是第二届海峡两岸茶业博览会暨武夷山旅游节组委会指定高端礼品茶,同时入选“武夷茶经”名著“十大茶叶品牌”。公司下属企业:夷宝斋陈茶珍藏馆、“静壹堂”专业品茗收藏馆、“聚艺堂”大型品茗会所等,这些机构科学有效地带动公司产业化经营深入发展,公司全力打造茶产业文化品牌、争创茶行业一流加盟连锁企业。 国家茶检中心主任--骆少君莅临夷宝斋指导工作 公司高层拜访张天福老人 公司总经理与晋商茶博物馆馆长--乔俊海先生合作再创新版晋商万里茶路 公司品质总监黄镇国(国家农艺师,大红袍上市创始人之一)
Wuyi Treasure House, which is a legalized enterprise of state origin protection, is a tea company that consists of tea planting, tea producing, tea selling, tea studying and tea-making factory, tea-refining factory and new products developing center wich experienced tea - cultivating senior experts, skilled tea - examining and appraising experts and high - cooperating staff. We mainly produce tea of Dahongpao, Zhengyanrougui, Laocongshuixian and so on. Because of the high quality of our products, we have won the first prize of famous tea in the International Tea Fair held in Guangzhou in 2006 and the second prize in the International Tea Fair Held in Shanghai this year. We have got a monopolized tea selling center in Qiao's House in Shanxi Province, a branch in Fuzhou , which is the capital city of Fujian Province. And we have also cooperated with Jingtao Group from Yixing, Jiangxu Province to popularize Wuyi Rock Tea and Tea Port made of clay, which are both non - material heritages of human beings. We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices and make friends with high quality tea!
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